Here is an entry from the Will Miller tribute page by UVM Professor Garrison Nelson. Here we see there were consequences for supporting the fight back against the purge of Michael Parenti in the 1970s. One of those purged was Harvey Salgo, then a member of the Department of Economics at UVM. In fact, he…Continue reading The “Philosophy Four” and other 1970s purge victims at UVM
Month: April 2017
UVM purges redux circa early 1970s
It does not take too much effort to uncover the hidden history of the deep state of UVM. The early 1970s saw a wave of purges at UVM, including Harvey Salgo from the Department of Economics. Here is a summary of the Michael Parenti case. Note how it put in jeopardy UVM’s accreditation, which is…Continue reading UVM purges redux circa early 1970s
Conventional macro? Caveat emptor!
In case you did not know, conventional macroeconomics (yes the boilerplate textbook stuff you struggle with as an undergraduate) has hit the rocks. This is not new for non-standard model folks (who have been long-time critics of such modelling), but when the standard model folks start jumping ship (the latest being Paul Romer), then you…Continue reading Conventional macro? Caveat emptor!
What does neoclassical bullying look like? Here are the blow-by-blow ugly details in UVM’s Dept. of Economics!
In the middle of my reappointment review period in October 2016, I was approached by a higher ranked “colleague” in the Dept of Economics at the University of Vermont while walking with a student to proctor a make-up exam. Instead of a supportive “good luck with your reappointment and promotion,” however, I was greeted with a…Continue reading What does neoclassical bullying look like? Here are the blow-by-blow ugly details in UVM’s Dept. of Economics!
Prosecutor in Chief – UVM’s Dept of Economics Chair moved to suppress evidence of my teaching effectiveness
Take a look at the email I found today in the pile of emails released per my public records request (see link below). It is an email showing Econ. Dept. Chair Solnick acting like a prosecutor trying to have Associate Dean Patty Corcoran’s letter of support for my reappointment removed from my dossier before sending…Continue reading Prosecutor in Chief – UVM’s Dept of Economics Chair moved to suppress evidence of my teaching effectiveness
UVM Dept. of Economics purge ‘smoking-gun’ email found and released. Will the Provost ignore this? Probably.
Some revealing (and quite appalling) email exchanges between Chair of the University of Vermont’s Department of Economics and a member of the department cast new light on my purge allegation. An email obtained from one of my public records requests, per the Vermont Public Records Act, demonstrates a shared motivation to make sure I get removed…Continue reading UVM Dept. of Economics purge ‘smoking-gun’ email found and released. Will the Provost ignore this? Probably.
Sign the Stop the UVM Purge Petition — Let’s Move This to 1,000 Signers.
In just about 3 weeks, UVM students, current and former, current and retired faculty and other citizens from around the world outraged at UVM’s despotic behavior have signed to demand my reappointment. I am humbled and inspired by this outpouring of support of me. Most heartening is the fact that many are standing up for…Continue reading Sign the Stop the UVM Purge Petition — Let’s Move This to 1,000 Signers. story out…but there are missing facts about the purge by UVM’s Dept of Economics
The report is out about my purge from the Dept of Economics at University of Vermont (sorry for the hyperpole, use of “purge”, but it is absolutely an accurate description of the move by the Dept of Economics at UVM, now rubber-stamped by the Dean). So far, neither the Dean, nor the media reports…Continue reading story out…but there are missing facts about the purge by UVM’s Dept of Economics
Don’t Be Fooled by Harvard Econ. Dept. Chair Greg Mankiw’s Fake Claims of His Unbiased Economics 10
Reading Mankiw’s defense against protesters of his “mainstream” economics lectures at Harvard, I noticed a remarkable similarity to the claims against my teaching by the UVM’s Dept of Economics chair — who happens to be a Harvard econ grad, so hardly surprising. Mankiw uses the same arguments UVM’s Chair of the Department of Economics is using against my…Continue reading Don’t Be Fooled by Harvard Econ. Dept. Chair Greg Mankiw’s Fake Claims of His Unbiased Economics 10
University of Vermont Department of Economics Students and Alum Denounce Purge
Sampling of what UVM students and UVM alum are saying about Dr. Summa’s removal from the Economics Department by Dean Bill Falls. Martin Harrison, Essex, VT I am signing this petition because I strongly believe that educational institutions should embrace diversity in their coursework. John Summa inspired me to pursue a degree in economics and…Continue reading University of Vermont Department of Economics Students and Alum Denounce Purge