Reappoint Summa Petition Comments by Signers Released – You Be The Judge

Reasons for Signing the Petition to Reappoint John Summa, Ph.D (As of 3/31/2017)

Current and Former Students, UVM Faculty and Worldwide Scholars, and Local and Global Community Members Shout Foul!

Signer Comments Below:

Martin Harrison
Essex, VT
12 hrs ago
I am signing this petition because I strongly believe that educational institutions should embrace diversity in their coursework. John Summa inspired me to pursue a degree in economics and exceeds the standard criteria of a UVM educator.

Sam Colburn
Norwich, VT
12 hrs ago
One of the rare professors I had at UVM willing to actually engage with students and the material. Unlike many others, he is far more interested in real learning and teaching, as opposed to GPAs and meaningless bureaucracy.

George Frantzis
Burlington, VT
12 hrs ago
I am signing this petition because John Summa gave the most engaging, beneficial, and useful economics class I have ever had. Mixed with my extensive travel, he fueled my curiosity for the global community with his teachings on the heterodox approach to economics. To me, higher education is defined by pushing the student and young adult community to desire learning experiences. That is exactly what John Summa did. Was I the best student? Absolutely not but I would be remised if I let a learning environment such as this die and be slandered.

Prof. Dr. Axel Fair-Schulz
Potsdam/ NY, NY
13 hrs ago
Academic freedom

Stephen Paulone
Wells, ME
14 hrs ago
I am signing this petition as an educator of economics and finance and as someone who grew up with John. I know him to be a man of integrity both moral and academically.

Henry Linde-Elmhirst
Keene, Canada
20 hrs ago
John Summa was a professor of mine.

Seamus Elliott
Burlington, VT
21 hrs ago
As a student of his, I feel he is a very effective and engaging professor

Brooke Jenkins
Greenville, RI
21 hrs ago
I support academic freedom.

Rikki Abzug
Upper Saddle River, NJ
23 hrs ago
A University should provide a free flow of peer-reviewed ideas.

Andrew Dazzo
Burlington, VT
23 hrs ago
These classes have forced me to question mainstream economic thinking and for that I am thankful and indebted to Professor John Summa. Thank you!

Harold Dana Pope
Francestown, NH
23 hrs ago
Something smells rotten at UVM when great professors are let go without good cause. Alternative thinking is what is needed when the current paradigm leads to corruption at every turn.

Lindsey Nelson
Stoneham, MA
24 hrs ago
I’m a UVM alumni and John Summa made a huge difference in my Economics Major.

Kyle Meenan
Jacksonville Beach, FL
1 day ago

If your raison d’etre as a University is to best prepare young men and women to face and conquer the challenges of life in our ever changing world, you need the kind of wisdom professor Summa possesses and shares freely to enable tomorrow’s leaders to perceive and comprehend what will be happening around them, determine and fully comprehend the various choices they will have (and their consequences,) and ultimately take responsible bold action for the betterment of all. This kind of leadership and success only comes through the intellectual gymnastics learned early on versus learning old theories about economics that have proven to be archaic in our 21st century global economy. I know John prefers Burlington to Cambridge or New Haven, but I recommend his retention before the Ivy League makes him their own.

Janis Barry
Summit, NJ
2 days ago
Academic Freedom is worth fighting for…There has been an increase internationally in the number of students interested in pluralistic interpretations of economic theory. We need more diversity in academic economics, not less.

Glenn Mcgarvey
Stratford, CT
2 days ago
I’m signing this petition because outside of the box is often better than staying with in the conventional lines within the box.

Christopher Mckinney
Westport, CT
2 days ago
Professor Summa is an invaluable asset to students engaged in both economic and non-economic related programs at UVM. His ability to teach BOTH orthodox and heterodox models is unquestionably comprehensive, accessible to students, and unlike the criticisms being made, not dangerous or hindering to the study of any other form economics. Professor Summa in my experience with the UVM economics department, regardless of the subject or school of thought, is more approachable and accommodating to students and their questions than most faculty I’ve engaged with during my time at UVM.

Todd Rosene
Mission Viejo, CA
2 days ago
Reappoint. It’s the right thing to do.

J. St.
Cincinnati, OH
2 days ago
Every non-neoclassical economist knows that working class members have to sell their labor power in order to live. Professor Summa is presenting economics as it should be at the college level. Students should be exposed to all schools of thought and choose which one to believe based on reasons. They shouldn’t be indoctrinated into neoclassical economics because it may be, it just may be it’s WRONG!

Michael Goodrich
Norwich, VT
2 days ago
It’s the right thing to do.

David Horton
Burlington, VT
2 days ago
Alternatives to the standard models of economics theory should be taught at UVM. Professor Suma should be rehired – if he wants his job back.

Jasper Smith
Portland, OR
2 days ago
I took a number of insightful, though provoking classes from Professor Summa during my time at UVM. I not only enjoyed them, but also left each energized and enthused to continue learning, ask questions and demand answers.

Joe Begley
Boston, MA
2 days ago
John Summa was an excellent professor, mentor and friend to me. His lectures we’re always intellectually challenging, and he was willing to go the extra mile for students who wanted to learn more.

Tony Gabb
New York, NY
2 days ago
I’ve known John for many years…he is an effective communicator and critical thinker who believes that education is not a one-size-fit-all proposition.

Richard Bunbury
Roslindale, MA
2 days ago
I’m signing because I was in a similar position at Boston University. I, too, know what it feels like to express and teach divergent understandings or viewpoints. Isn’t this what a university is all about?

Alison Ambrosecchio
Stamford, CT
2 days ago
John summa is one of my favorite professors. he is an amazing teacher, very patient, and very helpful!

Alan McKinnon
Burlington, VT
2 days ago
I came to UVM with the hope that I would experience a diverse learning community where my preconceived notions and ideas could be challenged. Professor Summa encouraged me to question accepted economic theories, think beyond what I had previously learned, and helped create a classroom environment where no idea would be laughed away as being ‘too radical’. Silencing this kind of creative thought and preventing the spread of new ideas is not only against what I believe but seems to contradict the values shared by the University of Vermont. Professor Summa should have his contract renewed so others may be exposed to a learning environment where new and challenging ideas exist.

Michael Farmer
Westford, VT
2 days ago
Now, more than ever, American Universities need to accept a diversity of ideas.

Joshua Goodrich
Norwich, VT
2 days ago
I believe that professors should be allowed to present a diverse array of viewpoints to their classes

Jesse Schandler
Burlington, VT
2 days ago
This man is a phenomenal teacher and kept EVERYONE interested every class period. This is honestly a disgrace. Shame on you UVM.

Colin Pogue
Hanover, NH
2 days ago
By aligning with a homogenous course range of traditional economics, the university is effectively supporting the continuation of a consumer-intensive, oil-dependent world of neoliberal economics. This closed-minded approach is not only dangerous to the pursuit of knowledge, but bets against the future of students in a world of anthropogenic climate change. Keep alternative thought in the faculty of economics!

Todd Kliendienst
3 days ago
Opposing economics dogma is so important for our progress

Abe Trabulsy
Colchester, VT
3 days ago
He’s kinda the man!!

Peter White
Dedham, MA
3 days ago
Summa is a great prof. He is the only professor in the department who has even mentioned anything outside of neoclassical economic theory.

Aaron Brosnan
Burlington, VT
3 days ago
Professor Summa is a vigorous, and indissoluble, member of the UVM Economic Department. Through his years at UVM, Professor Summa has staunchly committed himself to enriching the lives and minds of his students. Firing Prof Summa would leave a permanent and unreconcilable void in the Economic department. Furthermore, the void created by Summa’s loss would loss, would ubiquitously reverberate and metastasize University wide. Professor Summa’s unwavering dedication to the truth leaves students thirsty for more. It would be a crime to deprive students of a holistic mindset, over differences in teaching styles. Let truth prevail, and please reappoint professor Summa.

Grant Kelley
Shelburne, VT
3 days ago
Summa is a great teacher. He doesn’t deserve to be fired.

Max Borger
Burlington, VT
3 days ago
Summa cares for his students while offering thought provoking curriculum. I a refusal to renew his contract is unwarranted

Austin Hughes
Burlington, VT
3 days ago
Professor Summa is an amazing and dedicates professional, who is passionate about economics, and about how the presentation and discussion of economics in the mainstream often ignores alternative points of view. If he is removed it will be UVMs loss and will permanently famage their reputation.

Sean Sarmiento
Bronx, NY
3 days ago
Although I may not have agreed with everything Professor Summa taught, I certainly respect his years of experience and heterodox take on economic issues. He deserves to continue to be a voice at UVM Economics, and I’m sure many of my peers would agree.

Robert Haggerty
Burlington, VT
3 days ago
Summa gave me a different perspective on Econ, that it is in fact a perspective! Economics is a social science with many vantage points of thought and restricting students to neoclassical theory creates the assumption of an exact science, which Econ is very much not. Thought processes must not be restricted but encouraged in the study of Econ.

Mike Curran
Belmont, MA
3 days ago
This is bullshit. Summa is one of the best professors at UVM. I will withhold any future donations to the University of Vermont if he is not reinstated.

Jenna Lancour
Essex Junction, VT
3 days ago
One of the best professors i’ve ever had at UVM

Alexander Murphy
Burlington, VT
3 days ago
Keep Summa at UVM.

Nana Antwi
Burlington, VT
3 days ago
I’m signing this because Prof Summa is wonderful educator and we need minds like his in the classroom coming a from a student who has taken multiple courses with him.

David Dewhurst
Burlington, VT
3 days ago
I’m signing because diversity of ideas and presentation of statistical truth is vital.

Peter Wernhoff
Shelburne, VT
3 days ago
John Summa is one of my favorite teachers at UVM. He offers multiple perspectives into the field of economics and should be allowed to continue teaching.

Peter Shannon
Wilmette, IL
3 days ago
Professor Summa is an interesting and well informed professor.

James Driver
Burlington, VT
3 days ago
Prof Summa tells it like it is.

Elizabeth Bannar
Burlington, VT
3 days ago
John Summa ignited my passion in economics and taught me not only to think critically when presented with an economics topic, but to critically analyze the history and intentions of most political and economics agendas. His intro microeconomics and history of economic theory were eye opening and are some of my favorite courses I have taken at Vermont. His talent and insight should not be lost.

Eric Snyder
Minneapolis, MN
4 days ago
The multifaceted crisis in which we find ourselves–economic, environmental, human developmentalism–cries out for new approaches in economics. Keeping Summa on adds to a diversity of thought necessary at this point in time.

Harry Clinton
Delmar, NY
4 days ago
Summa is the best professor

Wolfram Professor Elsner
Bremen, Germany
4 days ago
stop right-extremists’ perfidity, inhumanity, intolerance, agression, violence, and hate.

Rob Zampella
Burlington, VT
4 days ago
Professor Summa has a place at UVM and the BS system shouldn’t win this time around

Sheila Boland Chira
Burlington, VT
5 days ago
UVM relied on Dr. Summa, a well respected colleague who has the support of his students, to teach four courses a semester for many years. To deny him reappointment and promotion at this stage in his career at UVM is an egregious error.

Tarron Khemraj
Sarasota, FL
5 days ago
It is important that students, particularly undergraduates, are given the tools to think critically. Teaching only a single branch of economics – which stands on some very unrealistic and ideologically biased assumptions – deprive students of crucial insights into the workings of a real economy. This purge by UVM is very sad and unfortunate. Let all schools bloom! What is the fear?

Medelise Reifsteck
South Kingstown, RI
5 days ago
Because I support John Summa and his reappointment!

Richard Wolff
New York, NY
5 days ago
John Summa brings to UVM a critical contribution of paradigmatic diversity in economics. That and his obvious skill and commitment to teaching make his reappointment highly recommended

Brenda Renfroe
Danbury, CT
5 days ago
Life is subject to change and knowing all the alternatives is key to survival.

Jean Hopkins
Burlington, VT
5 days ago
Academia has been one of the causes of economic inequality – student loans, health insurance, moving family members away from each other, not caring for people living in surrounding neighborhoods. It’s time academia started coming up with solutions instead of continuing the problems of capitalism. We need John Summa’s ideas!

Ana Alas Iglesias
Woodside, NY
5 days ago
I am signing because I believe heterodox economics should be an important source of critical thinking and innovative points of views in economics modern topics

Bud Mikhitarian
Brooklyn, NY
5 days ago
The highest goal of education is free and critical thinking. We must support any teacher who nurtures this in students.

Catherine Noble
Albuquerque, NM
5 days ago
It seems like only the model of perpetual growth is pursued as the goal by the economics community. How could this be sustainable? We need new models of economic success. Thinking outside the box is critical to our future.

Lisa Hardy
Burlington, VT
5 days ago
I’m married to John and we have two teenage kids who have grown up here. I have a career here. And John had a career here until he was not reappointed WITHOUT cause. The idea that his colleagues would even consider such an insult to John and to his family is unconscionable. The idea that some of these people are actually political leaders who claim to care about people and all of them are employed teaching college students absolutely blows my mind. Vindictive, petty, insecure and I inhumane are adjectives that come to mind. What is UVM thinking when John ranks highly with his student evaluations–often higher than those who arbitrarily chose not to reappoint him? Clearly the students are not the university’s main priority. If I were a parent paying tuition, I would think twice (or more) about a university that clearly puts the egos of tenured faculty above student learning.

Cara Simone
Burlington, VT
5 days ago
Justice for diversity of thought.

Charles Guay-Boutet
Montreal, Canada
5 days ago
I sign this petition because I believe social sciences evolve with debates through competing paradigms. I believe Professor’s Summa is the example of the kind of economist the profession needs.

5 days ago
Nos merecemos un mundo mejor donde impere la libertad de pensar y de expresarse y las universidades sean lugares para promover la innovación, la diversidad y el progreso.

Casey Kurpiel
Lynn, MA
5 days ago
He’s my current teacher and I appreciate how he teaches and his views.

Max Robbins
South Burlington, VT
6 days ago
Neoliberal economics must be challenged and pluralism stressed to create a new generation of thinkers

Lise Kunkel
Rochester, NY
6 days ago
I believe in diversity of economic perspective and the importance of teaching these perspectives

Vivian Idreos
Madrid, Spain
6 days ago
Freedom of speech for a free world

Nancy Welch
Burlington, VT
6 days ago
It is unconscionable that UVM would rely on Dr. Summa to teach eight courses year after year for the Economics department and then deny him reappointment and a well-deserved promotion.

Hannah Dewhirst
Manchester, United Kingdom
6 days ago
Pluralism in economics is vital and needs to be fought for!

Pierre Dillon
Blue Hill, ME
6 days ago
John Summa is an amazing professor and man.

Benjamin Silverman
Asheville, NC
7 days ago
UVM Economics Alumni, Class of 2010

Craig Guild
New London, CT
7 days ago
I graduated from UVM’s College of Arts and Sciences in 2013 witj a BA in History and Political Science. I further went on to get my MAT through UVM’s Graduate College. In five years of courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels I can safely say that Prof. Summa’s History of Economic Thought remains one of, if not the, most academically challenging and rigorous courses I have ever taken. I cannot say I have truly learned more in any other single class. To strip Prof. Summa of his position and further deny him full time status at the University is not only a cruel act against a man who has given so much to the University community, it is a crime committed against the very fabric of academia and scholarship expected at the University level. Shame on UVM! And further shame if this course of action is not immediately reversed!

Madeleine Zayas
Oakland, CA
7 days ago
I have a dual masters from UC Berkeley where I took microeconomics as a graduate student. I know the importance of having Professors like Summa that encourage critical thinking and teach a wider view of economics beyond outdated and failed economic models.

Alice Damiano
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Canada
7 days ago
Economics is a social science, not an exact science. Questioning mainstream Economics and inspiring the students to think is not betraying the discipline, but being a GOOD researcher and teacher.

Reshe Nkosi
Johannesburg, South Africa
7 days ago
We need pluralism in economics teaching- more so at this point in our economic history.

Jason Hecht
Mahwah, NJ
7 days ago
In memory of Dr. Ross Thomson (would would have supported John;’s reappointment).

Keith Harrington
Brooklyn, NY
7 days ago
Because it is outrageous that economics departments across the world continue to supress academic freedom and weaken intellectual foundations of the economics profession by purging heterodox economists from their ranks.

Robert Appel
Burlington, VT
7 days ago
It is patently unfair to punish good educators for their political viewpoints

Anthony Webb
New York, NY
7 days ago
Diversity of thought advances understanding

Anwar Shaikh
Brooklyn, NY
7 days ago
John Summa has consistently presented a knowledgeable and compelling alternative to the standard orthodoxy. This should be celebrated rather than punished.

Jonathan Hedges
Rogart, United Kingdom
7 days ago
We did different voices in economics.

Joanna Boehnert
London, United Kingdom
1 wk ago
Considering the severe economic challenges around the world, the field of economics needs more diversity and critical perspectives – not less. Dismissing Professor Summa is an international disgrace for the University of Vermont. I will hold the university in very low regard if this dismissal takes place. It is a great shame.

Kathryn Payg
Belfast, United Kingdom
1 wk ago
The extreme wealth gap is dangerous; the financial, industrial military complex has become a problem. We need balanced, intelligent people now more than ever.

David Tracey
Skelmorlie, United Kingdom
1 wk ago
It is essential that the true meaning of education is maintained, especially within academic institutions

Jonny Calder
Belfast, United Kingdom
1 wk ago
A debate without a plurality of opinion is meaningless. Doubly so in economics.

Lucia Vincenti
1 wk ago In order the encourage the free and critical thinking!

Ben Michael Pringle
Manchester, United Kingdom
1 wk ago
I support the diversity of ideas, teaching and theory.

Damien Smith
1 wk ago
The dissenting views in economics are required for the good of society. I don’t know this bloke but if he is is getting sacked because he doesn’t agree with the fake knowledge groupthink of mainstream economics, history will judge you.

Phil Stevens
Ashhurst, New Zealand
1 wk ago
The damage inflicted on people and communities all over the world by faith-based neoclassical economic “theory” is commensurate with war crimes. The very least we can do is encourage robust critique and countervailing voices.

Timothy Guyon
Town of Rockingham, VT
1 wk ago
Summa rocks

Giuliana Campanelli Andreopoulos
Wayne, NJ
1 wk ago
Critical thinking and freedom of expression are essential in academia

Tune Nielsen
Copenhagen, Denmark
1 wk ago
We need pluralism in economics. Not streamlining.

Michael Cronin
Stamford, CT
1 wk ago
I had professor Summa and believe that his unique way of teaching Econ was very valuable, up to the point where I took his class everyone had been teaching Econ the same way, same view, and it was interesting to hear it from a different perspective while still learning what we needed to learn
Ib Ravn

Dragør, Denmark
1 wk ago
Sir/Madam, The field of economics desperately needs alternative research traditions, and students should be taught tems. I urge you to keep Professor Summa. Respectfully, Ib Ravn, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Aarhus University.

Daniel Shea
Portland, OR
1 wk ago
I have been a student of economic with similar professors who taught me to question not just theory but reality on the ground. I earned a Minor in International Economics which serves me well in looking at the waning & failure of our current economy and the engines that drive it. I am forever grateful to my professors who like Summa teach their students to think for themselves.

Charles Brecheen
Burlington, VT
1 wk ago
I thoroughly enjoy Professor Summa’s teaching style and the way he challenges orthodox models.

Susan Constantine
Dalton, PA
1 wk ago
Academic freedom and the teacher ngbof diverse viewpoints are essentisl to the functioning of a democracy.

Michael Doyle
Upper Black Eddy, PA
1 wk ago
Orthodoxy in economics is destroying the country! We need good teachers who promote search for truth.

Sam Wheldon-Bayes
READING, United Kingdom
1 wk ago
I believe that diversity of economic ideas is incredibly important. Conventional economic thinking is in crisis, and its response has been to sideline those, like John, who are brave enough to point this out. Enough! We as a society deserve better economics, deserve an economics that can come up with real answers, not tautological models, to explain the problems of the day. Defending society’s right to understand itself means ensuring that economics is not an intellectual monoculture.

John Cagan
Lambeth, United Kingdom
1 wk ago
This is not just a local issue. The mono-culture of orthodox neo-classical/neo-Keynesian economic study and teaching undoubtedly contributed to the blindness with which we entered the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, which has had a devastating impact on the US and EU economy and other democratic institutions. Before you expel this much praised teacher, please pause and ask yourselves whether you are not simply reacting to pressure you feel to conform to the orthodox consensus. If so, please think again and resist this pressure. Our future depends on new thinking in economics, which only a diverse academic culture can realize.

Graham Caswell
Arklow, Ireland
1 wk ago
I’m signing this because economics is in crisis and new ideas and methods are needed:

Dylan Zeitlyn
Burlington, VT
1 wk ago
Economics is a broad discipline and the teaching of it should not be confined to a very narrow approach based on current orthodoxy.

Nathaniel Blondel
Bristol, United Kingdom
1 wk ago
Pluralism in economics is the life blood of the discipline. Why is the University running scared of the truth?

Tony Rooney
Nottingham, United Kingdom
1 wk ago
Pluralist economic option must be encouraged if Economics is to recover it’s validity.

Joshua Farley
Burlington, VT
1 wk ago
I am appalled by the Economics Department’s reluctance to expose students to different economic perspectives, especially in light of growing evidence of fundamental flaws in conventional ideology. Even noted mainstream economists such as Paul Romer recognize that mainstream macroeconomics has made negative progress over the past 30 years. Students deserve education, not indoctrination.

David Petrovich
Oakhurst, NJ
1 wk ago
The systemic problems we face today cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.

Peter Donaldson
Reading, United Kingdom
1 wk ago
The dominant approach to macroeconomics and government finance is a toxic failure, so the next generation of students must receive a broader, deeper and more realistic education in these subjects.

Adam Stromme
Saint Andrews, United Kingdom
1 wk ago I am a rethinking organizer who is strongly offended by the treatment of economic approaches which differ from the Neoclassical synthesis’ assumptions in any meaningful way as second rate economics. In Britain, we have seen organizers like Dr. Summa treated with similar disregard, and in signing this I hope to help prevent it from happening elsewhere. Signed, Adam Strømme

Robert Fireovid
Greenbelt, MD
1 wk ago
This worthy educator appears to be the victim of censorship

Linda Ramirez
Saint Petersburg, FL
1 wk ago
I have worked with John and I find him to be a thoughtful and insightful individual.

Chad Bateman
Burlington, VT
1 wk ago
Fantastic teacher, great researcher, and couldn’t have asked for a better mentor during my time at uvm.

Robert Butterfield
1 wk ago
We need diversity of opinion and critical thinking

Andrew Cox
barnton, United Kingdom
1 wk ago We need pluralism in economic thinking.

Mark Lavis
Oxford, United Kingdom
1 wk ago
“Continue teaching standard models that have become largely discredited” Skeptism of mainstream economics should be the next logical step?

Daniel Sheppard
High Lane, United Kingdom
1 wk ago
Encouraging skeptical thought is crucial for a true science. Economics should not be a religion.

Leicester, United Kingdom
1 wk ago
An open minded approach is necessary for any science and especially in one which deals with human behaviour. I strongly believe science should be democratic and every voice needs to be heard.

David Lodge
Sydney, Australia
1 wk ago
Because diversity of thought is true diversity!

Stelios Xanthopoulos
Drama, Greece
1 wk ago
Diversity is the only way for economics to move forward as a science.

Roland Yanez
Miami Lakes, FL
1 wk ago
A free society depends on a free exchange of ideas. If our universities will not support this, who will?

David Elkin
Grants Pass, OR
1 wk ago
Diversity in economic thought enables growth of the study. Competing theories stimulate intellectual investigation whereas uniformity of thought promotes group think and facilitates stagnation of exploration of theories and ideas.

Steven Anderson
Corvallis, OR
1 wk ago
New economies demand new economics!

Michael Hoexter
Belmont, CA
1 wk ago
University of Michigan, Ph.D.

Joshua Jendryka
San Francisco, CA
1 wk ago
This world needs progress in economics. Independent and creative thinkers who are willing to go against the failed economic groupthink of our moment in history are critical for progress in the US and rest of the world.

Zama Ndlovu
Johannesburg, South Africa
1 wk ago
I studied economics and graduated in 2007, and post 2008 I found that the models I had been taught were inadequate for policy work. I’ve branched out into multi-disciplinary post-graduate qualifications because conservative economics no longer serves those of us who want to address the economic challenges facing society. Economics needs to return to its philosophical roots as a social science with diverse thinkers proposing various ways in which we can build prosperity for all. I support anyone who is driven by this vision.

Fintan Keogh
1 wk ago
It we all sing from the same song sheet, life will get very predictable.

Hüseyin Özel
Ankara, Turkey
1 wk ago
To defend diversity in Economics that we aşk need.

Nash Foster
Kirkland, WA
1 wk ago
I oppose the politicization of the academy.

Iain Dooley
1 wk ago
There is nothing more important in the world today than an end to neoliberal economics.

Oscar Goullet-Rooney
Sydney, Australia
1 wk ago
Because the world needs more alternative thought in economics

Steve Keen
Hurstville, Australia
1 wk ago
Now, more than ever, economics needs diversity of thought, to escape the groupthink that made economics useless just when it was most needed.

Joe Ament
Burlington, VT
1 wk ago
The Economics Department at UVM is closed to any biophysical, social, or economic realities. The fact that Professor Summa is being forced out of the department for teaching ideas that reflect social and natural science realities is proof that these professors are in their own world of faulty mathematical models, flawed assumptions, and errant

Rod O’Donnell
Sydney, Australia
1 wk ago
More than ever, economics needs the diversity, multiple perspectives and critical thinking that Professor Summa espouses. I strongly support his reappointment.

Samuel Gorton
Guilderland, NY
1 wk ago
We need more economics professors like Dr. Summa who are willing to engage students to think critically.

Phil Forsythe
Greensburg, PA
1 wk ago
I support any professor attempting to inform their students of any alternatives to the status of quo when it is shown the status quo is not working.

Mary Butler
Stamford, CT
1 wk ago
I have taken a couple of Professor Summa’s classes and I really enjoyed them.

Dillon DellaPasqua
York, ME
1 wk ago
John was a captivating professor and true pioneer in the space of Pan-American economics. His film on the life of Víctor Jara is more than enough to back his knowledge, providing insight on the dynamic nature of North and South American socioeconomic relation. Great guy! And he surfs…. Rock on Summa!

Will Sanborn
Burlington, VT
1 wk ago
Professor Summa is the reason that I was able to get through the difficult subject of microeconomics! He is a fantastic professor and willing to help anyone whenever they need it. There’s no reason he shouldn’t be considered among the best at UVM.

Kayla Demers
Bath, ME
1 wk ago
A former friend of mine shared this post and wrote very wonderful things for the teacher. If he believed that this teacher is worth it, then I agree with him!

Lauren Juenker
Burlington, VT
1 wk ago
Prof. Summa should not be penalized for discussing problems with the conventional approach of microeconomics, I personally feel that methodological individualism is based on and relies on assumptions that are not true, and the social science approach that he is also telling us about makes much more sense. Summa should not be penalized for showing us both sides of microeconomics, and yes he may have a preference in one of the ways of looking at it but he does not tell us that that way is the right way, nor the only way. He lets us decide.

Gabe Appleton
Lambertville, NJ
1 wk ago
I had Prof. Summa and his teachings were fundemental to my economic education @ UVM.

Andrei Klimov
Bath, ME
1 wk ago
John Summa is a well known and well respected teacher at UVM. When signing up for my intro level Micro course he was heavily recommended compared to others, and I see why. He approaches economics from multiple perspectives and emphasizes rational analysis. While his teaching style and material is unique compared to others, I believe it is effective in reinforcing the idea that economics can’t be simply explained through individual choices. He is a very empathetic and wise person who works hard to make sure his students understand the material and can see where it applies in the real world.

Jerome Edison
Phoenix, AZ
1 wk ago I support this professor

Zachary Haas
Wilton, CT
1 wk ago
I’m signing because I took two of his classes and was my favorite Econ Proffessor at UVM.

Alex Romac
South Burlington, VT
1 wk ago
Professor Summa is an awesome teacher and friend. He provided clear insight into current economic issues. I wouldn’t recommend majoring or minoring in Econ if Summa was not included in the equation.

Francis Barton Jr.
Middlebury, CT
1 wk ago
John has the best for his students in mind, making them open their minds and think for themselves

John Gilbert
Fly Creek, NY
1 wk ago
While I do not know the details of why this decision was considered, I can say from personal experience that Professor Summa definitely fosters critical analysis within the discipline of economics among his students, and it is my personal belief that such critical analysis will be desperately needed among the policymakers of my generation.

Alyssa McCabe
Glen Gardner, NJ
1 wk ago
A great professor with a lot to say. Knowledgeable, caring, and extremely passionate!

Robert Briggs Deardorff
Campbell, CA
2 wks ago
I understand the lack of ability in mainstream economics, and the way it’s taught.