I came across an interesting article recently that was written for the Stowe Reporter by a former UVM student who laments the “calcification” of economic education as embodied in the economics core curriculum at UVM and in most colleges and universities. The points made in the opinion piece reminded me of arguments I make in…Continue reading UVM flacks for Wall Street by pushing “free market” economics
Tag: Sara Solnick
Prosecutor in Chief – UVM’s Dept of Economics Chair moved to suppress evidence of my teaching effectiveness
Take a look at the email I found today in the pile of emails released per my public records request (see link below). It is an email showing Econ. Dept. Chair Solnick acting like a prosecutor trying to have Associate Dean Patty Corcoran’s letter of support for my reappointment removed from my dossier before sending…Continue reading Prosecutor in Chief – UVM’s Dept of Economics Chair moved to suppress evidence of my teaching effectiveness