Patty’s Bench: UVM honors a retiring associate dean and her gift for listening to students, but ignores what she heard

Following 2018 commencement, Patty Corcoran, UVM’s beloved Associate Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences (CAS), retired from UVM after 37 years of service. To honor her a new wooden bench was installed at 438 College Street, which has inscribed on it the following: “For Patty, who would always sit and listen.” Yes, indeed,…Continue reading Patty’s Bench: UVM honors a retiring associate dean and her gift for listening to students, but ignores what she heard

Not so fond memories of UVM’s Dept of Economics

As I await my grievance hearing before the Vermont Labor Relations Board for wrongful denial of reappointment by UVM’s Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, I have had some time to reflect on my eight years teaching at UVM’s Dept of Economics, and questioning why we tolerate so much in the workplace that just…Continue reading Not so fond memories of UVM’s Dept of Economics

If they cannot kick out Marxian economists, then try burying them with ‘vibrant’ economists and a wad of cash from Koch

If they cannot kick you out for teaching Marxian economics, then there is always the bury them approach. Get some Koch money, build a new institute and hire half a dozen economists teaching a ‘vibrant suite’ of economics that works for Wall Street. I have got to get out to the University of Utah and…Continue reading If they cannot kick out Marxian economists, then try burying them with ‘vibrant’ economists and a wad of cash from Koch