New institutionalism — fairytales passing as economic science?

The late Cambridge economist, Joan Robinson, once made the sociologically astute comment: “The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists.”  I used to share this with all my students and have a discussion about it as…Continue reading New institutionalism — fairytales passing as economic science?

Nothing but the facts — 100 proposed findings of facts, in fact, that you need to know about my case against UVM’s Economics Department.

The following 100 proposed facts represent the evidence in support of my conclusions of law sent to the Vermont Labor Relations Board (VRLB) on March 1, 2018. The facts below, particularly #44,  stand as an indictment ofUVM’s top brass, its Department of Economics (particularly its Chair) and the overall process of faculty review. As I…Continue reading Nothing but the facts — 100 proposed findings of facts, in fact, that you need to know about my case against UVM’s Economics Department.