Below are some extracts from communication with me by a former UVM Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences (who clearly sees through the subterfuge). I will not reveal the person’s name in order to protect the former official from retaliation by UVM. A former UVM dean: “It is clear they [UVM’s Dept. of…Continue reading A former Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Vermont believes the facts point to UVM Department of Economics “targeting” me
Tag: UVM econ faculty
Vermont Labor Relations Board Cover-Up?
The Vermont Labor Relations Board (VLRB) has issued its decision in response to my wrongful denial of reappointment grievance — the VLRB “dismissed” it, stating there was no evidence to support the claim. As I have written before, I knew the VLRB would have a difficult task making a decision in my favor. So it was…Continue reading Vermont Labor Relations Board Cover-Up?
A “sort of nepotism running rampant in university economic departments” – yep, and I am a victim of it.
The UVM economics department has moved from the left to the right during the past 20 years with the pattern of hires, fires, quits, deaths and retirement. Today, despite a few so-called ‘prog’ economists left, UVM economics has emerged now dominated by neoclassicals, while the remaining few who call themselves non-neoclassical have moved to tolerable,…Continue reading A “sort of nepotism running rampant in university economic departments” – yep, and I am a victim of it.
Not so fond memories of UVM’s Dept of Economics
As I await my grievance hearing before the Vermont Labor Relations Board for wrongful denial of reappointment by UVM’s Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, I have had some time to reflect on my eight years teaching at UVM’s Dept of Economics, and questioning why we tolerate so much in the workplace that just…Continue reading Not so fond memories of UVM’s Dept of Economics
Prosecutor in Chief – UVM’s Dept of Economics Chair moved to suppress evidence of my teaching effectiveness
Take a look at the email I found today in the pile of emails released per my public records request (see link below). It is an email showing Econ. Dept. Chair Solnick acting like a prosecutor trying to have Associate Dean Patty Corcoran’s letter of support for my reappointment removed from my dossier before sending…Continue reading Prosecutor in Chief – UVM’s Dept of Economics Chair moved to suppress evidence of my teaching effectiveness