UVM’s Aggressive Evidence Suppression Efforts Pay Off

My appeal of the Vermont Labor Relations Board’s decision dismissing a grievance I filed for wrongful denial of reappointment as an economics teacher was stopped dead in its tracks on April 3, 2019 when the Supreme Court refused to allow incriminating evidence into the record. The evidence I argue proves the University of Vermont (UVM),…Continue reading UVM’s Aggressive Evidence Suppression Efforts Pay Off

My paper about being railroaded out of teaching by UVM’s Dept of Economics to be presented at international conference.

I’ve received official acceptance from the International Society for Ecological Economics of my paper about being removed from teaching at the University of Vermont under very questionable circumstances (and hostility to ecological models being presented to students). As I have written, myself and many others believe this was a purge by a gang of arrogant…Continue reading My paper about being railroaded out of teaching by UVM’s Dept of Economics to be presented at international conference.

Whistleblower says UVM economics department chair was “out to get” me

Whistleblower comes forward to let me know I am not alone. UVM’s highly respected 5-member Faculty Standards Committee (FSC) has watched many a department chair in action.   After all, it reviews scores of reappointment decisions and in doing so observes the practices and procedures of department chairs who are responsible for conducting these reviews.…Continue reading Whistleblower says UVM economics department chair was “out to get” me

Extra credit for beating up students who challenge mainstream assumptions in UVM’s Dept. of Economics?

In my long (well into the second year) and ongoing fight-back against wrongful denial of reappointment as a lecturer in the University of Vermont’s Dept. of Economics (after 8 years of teaching at UVM full-time and nearly 30 years teaching economics), only a few faculty at UVM have had the courage to say anything at…Continue reading Extra credit for beating up students who challenge mainstream assumptions in UVM’s Dept. of Economics?

And voilà – you have a foundation to begin your economic analysis!

I just love this well-written and funny summary of what is so frustrating about studying economics and its bag of “tricks.” For the few students not so prone to robotic regurgitation of core economic models taught by a mostly naive economics profession (in terms of their own poor training outside standard model economics), this will…Continue reading And voilà – you have a foundation to begin your economic analysis!

A “sort of nepotism running rampant in university economic departments” – yep, and I am a victim of it.

The UVM economics department has moved from the left to the right during the past 20 years with the pattern of hires, fires, quits, deaths and retirement. Today, despite a few so-called ‘prog’ economists left, UVM economics has emerged now dominated by neoclassicals, while the remaining few who call themselves non-neoclassical have moved to tolerable,…Continue reading A “sort of nepotism running rampant in university economic departments” – yep, and I am a victim of it.

UVM flacks for Wall Street by pushing “free market” economics

I came across an interesting article recently that was written for the Stowe Reporter by a former UVM student who laments the “calcification” of economic education as embodied in the economics core curriculum at UVM and in most colleges and universities. The points made in the opinion piece reminded me of arguments I make in…Continue reading UVM flacks for Wall Street by pushing “free market” economics