UVM’s Aggressive Evidence Suppression Efforts Pay Off

My appeal of the Vermont Labor Relations Board’s decision dismissing a grievance I filed for wrongful denial of reappointment as an economics teacher was stopped dead in its tracks on April 3, 2019 when the Supreme Court refused to allow incriminating evidence into the record. The evidence I argue proves the University of Vermont (UVM),…Continue reading UVM’s Aggressive Evidence Suppression Efforts Pay Off

VTdigger nixes interview with UVM’s Faculty Standards Committee whistleblower.

During an interview that the news outlet VTdigger did with me, in the wake of the ruling by Vermont’s Supreme Court affirming the Vermont Labor Relations Board’s (VLRB) dismissal of my wrongful termination grievance, the reporter asked for evidence to support statements I made in my press release following the high court’s decision. The following…Continue reading VTdigger nixes interview with UVM’s Faculty Standards Committee whistleblower.

“When I fought with the Economics Department to integrate ecological economics and other schools of thought, it was only so that the University could be better,” says a former student in UVM’s Department of Economics

I recently interviewed Kevin Sterling, a former economics student at the University of Vermont, who helped organize and lead a student coalition to diversify UVM’s Department of Economics core curriculum before he graduated in 2015. He is currently writing a book about ecological economics, inspired by his experiences at UVM and what he sees as…Continue reading “When I fought with the Economics Department to integrate ecological economics and other schools of thought, it was only so that the University could be better,” says a former student in UVM’s Department of Economics

Some of the content that I believe drove UVM’s Econ Department chair to “target” me for removal

In many of my courses taught over eight years at UVM between 2009 and 2017 (before I was removed from teaching post by a Chair I argue was bent on making sure I would never get reappointed), I frequently showed a film to students titled The End of Poverty?, which explores the issue of causes of…Continue reading Some of the content that I believe drove UVM’s Econ Department chair to “target” me for removal

A former Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Vermont believes the facts point to UVM Department of Economics “targeting” me

Below are some extracts from communication with me by a former UVM Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences (who clearly sees through the subterfuge). I will not reveal the person’s name in order to protect the former official from retaliation by UVM. A former UVM dean: “It is clear they [UVM’s Dept. of…Continue reading A former Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Vermont believes the facts point to UVM Department of Economics “targeting” me

UVM has lawyered-up, again — Now they will not produce contractually required Dept of Economics FEGs (Faculty Evaluation Guidelines)

It is hard to be surprised by UVM’s arbitrary behavior anymore, but the latest in a round of emails with me about missing FEGs makes clear something is seriously amiss up on the hill.  Pursuant to the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) that UVM has with its teachers and United Academics (UA), a copy of approved…Continue reading UVM has lawyered-up, again — Now they will not produce contractually required Dept of Economics FEGs (Faculty Evaluation Guidelines)

UVM economics stuck in deadend thinking by defending its core curriculum?

The core curriculum in the UVM economics department is particularly disengenuous because some of its own faculty don’t believe any of it. I know at least three UVM economists who think it is pure garbage but don’t tell students they think this way. In fact, one revealed to me that if assigned to teach it,…Continue reading UVM economics stuck in deadend thinking by defending its core curriculum?

Getting out of Plato’s Cave with a dose of sociology of the economics profession

Everybody loves a little gossip, especially when it turns out to be true and reveals how reality is not what it appears to be (viz., exposing deceptions). That is why my favorite approach to inspiring students about economics was first and foremost sociological — informing students about how economics as a profession has constituted itself…Continue reading Getting out of Plato’s Cave with a dose of sociology of the economics profession

New institutionalism — fairytales passing as economic science?

The late Cambridge economist, Joan Robinson, once made the sociologically astute comment: “The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists.”  I used to share this with all my students and have a discussion about it as…Continue reading New institutionalism — fairytales passing as economic science?

My paper about being railroaded out of teaching by UVM’s Dept of Economics to be presented at international conference.

I’ve received official acceptance from the International Society for Ecological Economics of my paper about being removed from teaching at the University of Vermont under very questionable circumstances (and hostility to ecological models being presented to students). As I have written, myself and many others believe this was a purge by a gang of arrogant…Continue reading My paper about being railroaded out of teaching by UVM’s Dept of Economics to be presented at international conference.