Below are some extracts from communication with me by a former UVM Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences (who clearly sees through the subterfuge). I will not reveal the person’s name in order to protect the former official from retaliation by UVM. A former UVM dean: “It is clear they [UVM’s Dept. of…Continue reading A former Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Vermont believes the facts point to UVM Department of Economics “targeting” me
Tag: UVM economics club
New institutionalism — fairytales passing as economic science?
The late Cambridge economist, Joan Robinson, once made the sociologically astute comment: “The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists.” I used to share this with all my students and have a discussion about it as…Continue reading New institutionalism — fairytales passing as economic science?
Whistleblower says UVM economics department chair was “out to get” me
Whistleblower comes forward to let me know I am not alone. UVM’s highly respected 5-member Faculty Standards Committee (FSC) has watched many a department chair in action. After all, it reviews scores of reappointment decisions and in doing so observes the practices and procedures of department chairs who are responsible for conducting these reviews.…Continue reading Whistleblower says UVM economics department chair was “out to get” me